Freiruum – Foodcourt / Sports

Freiruum is one of the largest intermediate uses in Switzerland, open 7 days a week and offering a large choice of activities and restaurants.
Since 2020, Freiruum works with Immensive to offer an interactive digital signage to its visitors.

On 8’500 m2, visitors find a market hall with 13 food stalls, a large selection of bars, stores and workshops and much more. The sports hall for young and old offers a breathtaking trampoline park, a course area and one of the largest boulder rooms in Switzerland.

In addition, the Freiruum complex offers a free workplace in the co-working area, various locations for events of all types, but also a creative environment for students, entrepreneurs and independents as well as conference rooms. As they like to say:

Whether you are individuals, professionals, young or old, Freiruum will be sure to please you!

With so many possibilities, it was therefore natural for Freirum to ask Immensive for interactive information support. As a result, three PopupExperience are available inside the building: two 55′ multi-touch tables are located at the two entrances in order to have an overview of the global place, another 32′ multi-touch table which highlights the food offer.

Thanks to the PopupExperience application, it is possible to display the global map of the infrastructure. Immensive has a filter module which has been conceived for this exact purpose: with well-defined filters, customers and visitors can search in a playful and quick way for a type of restaurant (Asian, Italian, street food, etc.), sports installations, various equipment and future events.

This new technology not only saves visitors’ time with an overview of all the services and events offered by Freiruum, but also involves customers perfectly into the relaxed atmosphere of the complex.

Come to visit Freiruum and discover the PopupExperience application!

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