Trésors enluminés de Suisse –
Fondation Martin Bodmer

Client: Fondation Martin Bodmer
Introduction: Q2 2023
Main Deliverables: Multi-Touch Hardware, Public Multi-Touch Application, Content Management System
Project Management: Zoé Dubois, Immensive SA

On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the national digitization project e-codices, the Martin Bodmer Foundation, in partnership with the Abbey Library of Saint-Gall, pays tribute to the work of calligraphers and illuminators of the Middle Ages, virtuosos of imagery and preservers of a heritage.

Immensive has collaborated with the Martin Bodmer Foundation in Cologny to create an interactive application showcasing the illuminated treasures of Switzerland. The application features two modules:

  • One that allows users to browse through pages of medieval manuscripts and paintings with detailed explanations about each piece, and
  • Another that enables children to recreate illuminated manuscripts using colored pigments and a touchscreen display.

The intuitive nature of the application together with the multilingual capabilities encourage visitors to participate and engage with the exhibits in a way that is both educational and fun.

The interactive application developed by our team also provides an innovative and engaging tool for visitors, particularly children, to learn about the art of illuminated manuscripts. Moreover, the multilingual capabilities of the application make it accessible to a wider range of visitors, further enhancing their experience at the exhibit.

Lastly, the CMS provided by Immensive allows the Martin Bodmer Foundation to easily manage and update its content, ensuring that it remains relevant and up-to-date.

Overall, the application offers a valuable resource for cultural institutions like the Martin Bodmer Foundation to enhance their exhibits and engage with their visitors in new and exciting ways.

“For this exhibition called Trésors enluminés de Suisse, we have made available to the public these meticulous and precise illustrations of almost indescribable beauty, made with a pen or a brush, by applying colors based on natural pigments or gold leaf.”

Yoann Givry - Fondation Bodmer

Yoann Givry
Scientific Collaborator

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